Road traffic collision during skills development day.

Skills Development Day 2023

27 June 2023

Recently, several departments across North Notts College came together to simulate a road traffic collision as part of Skills Development Day.

Skills Development Day is designed to incorporate more practical and realistic elements of training into the curriculum. This also provides a great experience for our students to learn skills such as teamwork, collaboration, and critical thinking.

Before the simulation, Media makeup students were tasked with creating realistic injuries on actors portraying “victims” using special effects. Each victim was given a specific injury set, from minor cuts and bruises to more serious wounds such as broken bones and head trauma.

As the activity unfolded, one group of Health and Social Care students played the role of first responders, providing immediate medical assistance and triaging casualties based on their injuries. Any injuries that required further treatment were transported to the college’s mock ward, where the other group of students acted as nursing staff and took over their care.

Meanwhile, Public Service students were split into two groups – one group acted as police officers, managing the scene and conducting investigations, while the other group acted as CSI investigators, collecting evidence and analysing the crime scene. A “drunk” driver was apprehended at the scene and had to go through a series of sobriety tests before being taken into custody. He was later “charged” with driving under the influence and faced legal consequences for his actions.

Alex Dickinson, who works as a Work Placement and Employability Coordinator within the Learner Experience Department at North Notts College, organised the event.

He said, “For me, I love setting up these types of events, as it allows students to understand the potential scenarios they may encounter when they leave college. These are also great for helping to develop the relevant skills and providing more opportunities for practical training. This event has also acted as a prelude to a potentially large-scale simulation that we may run in the coming months.”

Learner Experience is a team dedicated to improving students time at college through extracurricular activities such as clubs, social events, and skill development workshops like this one. They are also responsible for enhancing employability and arranging work experience placements.

To find out more about Learner Experience, please visit:

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